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Second Regular Session of the 119th

H.P. 1677 - L.D. 2343

Resolve, to Establish the Task Force to Reduce the Burden of Home Heating Costs on Low-income Households

     Emergency preamble. Whereas, Acts and resolves of the Legislature do not become effective until 90 days after adjournment unless enacted as emergencies; and

     Whereas, a comprehensive study of Maine's low-income heating assistance program is needed to assess the effectiveness and the needs of clients of that program and since this information would be most useful in preparation for winter; and

     Whereas, in the judgment of the Legislature, these facts create an emergency within the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and require the following legislation as immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; now, therefore, be it

     Sec. 1. Task force established. Resolved: That the Task Force to Reduce the Burden of Home Heating Costs on Low-income Households, referred to in this resolve as the "task force," is established; and be it further

     Sec. 2. Membership. Resolved: That the task force consists of 16 members as follows:

     1. The Executive Director of the Maine State Housing Authority or the director's designee;

     2. The Public Advocate;

     3. The following members appointed by the President of the Senate:

     4. The following members appointed by the Speaker of the House:

     Sec. 3. Appointments. Resolved: That all appointments must be made no later than 30 days following the effective date of this resolve. The first named Senate member and the first named House member serve as cochairs of the task force. The appointing authorities shall notify the Executive Director of the Legislative Council upon making their appointments. The cochairs shall convene the first meeting of the task force no later than 30 days after the appointment of all members is complete; and be it further

     Sec. 4. Duties. Resolved: That the task force shall investigate the problems facing low-income households in the heating of their homes, including cost of heating, energy conservation, demand-side management and availability and reliability of federal programs of assistance in paying heating costs and reducing energy demand. In examining these issues, the task force shall examine the operation and effectiveness of existing programs to assist low-income households, the coordination of resources to maximize the effects of available resources, the need for state programs to supplement federal programs or to enable existing programs to serve a greater portion of those eligible and techniques to utilize resources in new ways or new combinations that have the potential for easing the burden of heating costs or enhancing the efficient use of energy for low-income households. The task force shall examine the effects of interruptable natural gas services on the supply and price of home heating oil. The task force shall examine programs and techniques that are employed in other states or countries, solicit suggestions from groups and individuals with expertise in energy management and energy pricing and make recommendations for consideration by the 120th Legislature; and be it further

     Sec. 5. Staff assistance. Resolved: That the task force shall request staffing and clerical assistance from the Legislative Council; and be it further

     Sec. 6. Reimbursement. Resolved: That those members of the task force who are Legislators are entitled to receive the legislative per diem and reimbursement of necessary expenses for their attendance at authorized meetings of the task force. Other members of the task force who are not otherwise compensated by their employers or other entities whom they represent are entitled to receive reimbursement for necessary expenses incurred for their attendance at authorized meetings; and be it further

     Sec. 7. Report. Resolved: That the task force shall submit a report with an accompanying bill for the First Regular Session of the 120th Legislature by November 1, 2000. If the task force requires an extension of time to make its report, it may apply to the Legislative Council, which may grant the extension; and be it further

     Sec. 8. Appropriation. Resolved: That the following funds are appropriated from the General Fund to carry out the purposes of this resolve.


Task Force to Reduce the Burden of Home Heating Costs on Low-income Households

Provides funds for the per diem and expenses of legislative members of the Task Force to Reduce the Burden of Home Heating Costs on Low-income Households and to print the required report.

LEGISLATURE ____________
TOTAL $2,180

     Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble, this resolve takes effect when approved.

Effective May 10, 2000.

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