LD 3
pg. 19
Page 18 of 26 An Act to Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine Page 20 of 26
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LR 163
Item 1

excess shall must be carried forward in computing amounts to be
credited to the Department of Marine Resources and to the Boating
Facilities Fund under this section for the succeeding month or
months. Funds credited to the Department of Marine Resources shall
must be allocated by the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial
affairs. The Bureau of Parks and Lands, the Department of Marine
Resources, the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and the
Department of Transportation shall devise and agree to a system
for determining the percentage of the gasoline tax and special
fuels tax that results from fuel purchases for boating uses and
whether those uses are for pleasure or commerce and for salt or
fresh water freshwater boating. The Bureau of Parks and Lands
shall assure ensure that proper records are kept to provide input
for this system. Beginning February 1, 1991, and every 3 years
thereafter on February 1st, the Bureau of Parks and Lands shall
issue to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over taxation matters a report based on an analysis of
data according to this section. The Boating Facilities Fund shall
must be used to fund the costs of this activity.

Sec. 55. 36 MRSA §6758, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1997, c. 668, §41 and
c. 766, §5, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

2.__Determination by assessor.__On or before June 30th of each
year, the assessor shall determine the employment tax increment
of each qualified business for the preceding calendar year.__A
qualified business may receive up to 75% of the employment tax
increment generated by that business as determined by the
assessor, subject to the further limitations in section 6754,
subsection 2.__That amount is referred to as "retained employment
tax increment revenues."

Sec. 56. 36 MRSA §6855, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 449, §1, is
amended to read:

§6855. Land

1. Public benefit. The Legislature, recognizing that the
submerged and intertidal lands as those terms are defined in
Title 12, chapters 202 and 202-A and 220, respectively, are owned
by the State for the benefit of the public and are impressed with
a public trust and having considered all factors relevant to that
public trust and the impact that conveying or leasing the
submerged and intertidal land described in this subsection to a
certified applicant would have on the public trust and the
benefits to the State and its people from the conveyance or
lease, finds that a conveyance or lease to a certified applicant

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