LD 3
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LR 163
Item 1

of all or any part of the State's right, title and interest in and
to no more than 15 acres of submerged and intertidal lands owned by
the State, and located on the westerly side of the Kennebec River
between the southerly side of the Carlton Bridge and a point 2
miles southerly of the Carlton Bridge, in order to construct,
improve, modernize or expand a shipbuilding facility, is necessary
to ensure the long-term survival of the shipbuilding industry in
this State, to preserve numerous opportunities for jobs for the
people of this State, to make the State more competitive in the
shipbuilding industry and thus to ensure the preservation and
betterment of the economy of the State for the benefit of its
people and the Legislature further finds that the grant or lease
will benefit a class of persons much greater than the certified
applicant and that the impact, if any, on the public trust in what
remains would be minimal and that the foregoing benefits to the
State and its people resulting from the conveyance or lease far
exceed any impact on the public trust in submerged and intertidal

2. Conveyance by State. The State is authorized to lease to
a certified applicant for a period of up to 5 years or until a
qualified investment of $150,000,000 is made, whichever is
sooner, all or any part of the State's right, title and interest
in the submerged and intertidal lands not exceeding 15 acres
located as described in subsection 1 as necessary or convenient
for the certified applicant to construct, improve, modernize or
expand a shipbuilding facility. At the end of the lease period,
the State is authorized to convey to a certified applicant the
same property that was leased. The conveyance must be made for
consideration equal to the fair market value of submerged lands
at the time of conveyance. The provisions of Title 12, chapters
202 and 202-A and 220 do not apply to any conveyance or lease.
Failure on the part of the certified applicant to purchase any
submerged or intertidal lands under this subsection does not
relieve the certified applicant of liability for violation of any
state or federal environmental laws or regulations or local
ordinances affecting submerged or intertidal lands during the
lease period.

Sec. 57. 38 MRSA §342, sub-§7, as amended by PL 1997, c. 296, §10, is
further amended to read:

7. Representation in court. The commissioner may authorize
certified employees of the department to serve civil process and
represent the department in District Court in the prosecution of
violations of those laws enforced by the department and set forth
in Title 4, section 152, subsection 6 6-A. Certification of
these employees must be provided as under Title 30-A, section

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