LD 14
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Protect Pensions of Teachers and Public Employees in a Fashion Consis... LD 14 Title Page
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LR 332
Item 1

system members, the holding of the United States Court of Appeals
for the First Circuit in Parker v. Wakelin et al., (CA 1, No. 96-
2225, 8/11/97). In that case, the court held that Maine public
pension law creates no enforceable private contractual right
against the modification of teacher members' retirement benefits
until those benefits are actually receivable.

This bill does not limit the ability of the Legislature in the
future to reduce public pension retirement benefits prospectively
or to remove or to limit the contractual protection provided by
this bill with respect to future benefits. Under this bill,
however, public employee retirement benefits, once earned, may
not be reduced because the accrued value of those benefits is
protected under the contract clauses of the Constitution of Maine
and the United States Constitution.

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