LD 71
pg. 3
Page 2 of 6 An Act Regarding Commercial Beano Halls Page 4 of 6
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LR 837
Item 1

3. Immediate suspension or revocation. A licensee whose
license or permittee whose permit is immediately suspended or
revoked by the Chief of the State Police pursuant to subsection
1, paragraph C or E must be notified in writing of the duration
of the suspension or revocation and the licensee's or the
permittee's right to request a hearing before the Commissioner of
Public Safety or the commissioner's designee. Upon the
licensee's or permittee's request for a hearing, the Commissioner
of Public Safety shall provide a hearing. The hearing must
comply with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act. The purpose
of the hearing is to determine whether a preponderance of the
evidence establishes that the licensee or the licensee's agent or
employee violated a provision of Title 17-A, chapter 39 or the
permittee or the permittee's employee committed murder or a Class
A, B or C crime or violated a provision of Title 17-A, chapter
15, 29, 37 or 39. A request for a hearing may not be made any
later than 48 hours after the licensee or permittee is notified
of the suspension or revocation. A hearing may not be held any
later than 10 days after the date the commissioner receives the

Sec. 4. 17 MRSA §322, as enacted by PL 1975, c. 307, §2, is amended
to read:

§322. Reports

The Chief of the State Police shall require from any
organization licensed to operate "Beano" or "Bingo" and any
individual, corporation, partnership or unincorporated
association that has a permit to operate a commercial beano hall
whatever reports he deems the chief determines necessary for the
purpose of the administration and enforcement of this chapter.

Sec. 5. 17 MRSA §323, as amended by PL 1997, c. 728, §7, is further
amended to read:

§323. Access to premises

Any An organization making application to the Chief of the
State Police to conduct or operate "Beano" or "Bingo," or any an
organization licensed under this chapter to operate "Beano" or
"Bingo," a commercial beano hall permit applicant or a commercial
beano hall permittee shall permit inspection of any equipment,
prizes, records or items and materials used or to be used in the
conduct or operation of "Beano" or "Bingo" by the Chief of the
State Police or the chief's authorized representative.

The licensee or permittee shall permit at any time an
inspector from the Department of Public Safety or the city or

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