LD 71
pg. 4
Page 3 of 6 An Act Regarding Commercial Beano Halls Page 5 of 6
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LR 837
Item 1

town fire inspectors of the municipality in which "Beano" is being
conducted to enter and inspect the licensed premises.

Sec. 6. 17 MRSA §325, as enacted by PL 1975, c. 307, §2, is amended
by enacted a new paragraph to read:

An individual, corporation, partnership or unincorporated
association that rents or leases a building or facilities to
hold, conduct or operate "Beano" or "Bingo" without a commercial
beano hall permit issued by the Chief of the State Police or who
violates any of the provisions of this chapter or any rules
adopted by the Chief of the State Police pursuant to this chapter
is guilty of a Class E crime.

Sec. 7. 17 MRSA §328 is enacted to read:

§328.__Commercial beano hall

1.__Permit required.__An individual, corporation, partnership
or unincorporated association may not rent or lease space for
profit to a licensee to hold, conduct or operate "Beano" or
"Bingo" unless a commercial beano hall permit is obtained from
the Chief of the State Police.

2.__Application.__An individual, corporation, partnership or
unincorporated association desiring to rent or lease space for
profit for the purpose given in subsection 1 shall apply to the
Chief of the State Police for a commercial beano hall permit.__
The application must be on forms provided by the Chief of the
State Police, must contain the full name and address of the
individual or entity seeking to be permitted and the location of
the building or facility to be rented or leased.__An applicant
who is an individual shall list the individual's name and
address.__An applicant that is a corporation, partnership or
unincorporated association shall also list the names and
addresses of any owners with a 10% or greater interest in the
corporation, partnership or unincorporated association seeking
the permit.

A.__The applicant shall submit 2 fingerprint cards bearing
the legible rolled and flat impression of the fingerprints
of the owner, if the owner is an individual, of any owner
who owns or controls a 50% or greater interest in the
corporation, partnership or the unincorporated association,
and, of the manager, if the manager is not the owner as
previously described, prepared by a state or local public
law enforcement agency to be forwarded to the State Bureau
of Identification for the purpose of conducting state and
national criminal history record checks.

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