LD 71
pg. 5
Page 4 of 6 An Act Regarding Commercial Beano Halls Page 6 of 6
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LR 837
Item 1

3.__Renewal; change of ownership or manager.__A permittee
seeking to renew a permit shall submit an application, but is not
required to submit additional fingerprint cards.__The permittee
is required to notify the Chief of the State Police of any change
in ownership or management of the commercial beano hall.__The
Chief of the State Police may require additional information or
fingerprint submission subsequent to a change in ownership or

4.__Use of criminal history record.__The Chief of the State
Police may use state and federal criminal history record
information for the purpose of screening applicants.__The Chief
of the State Police may refuse to issue or renew a permit for an
individual, corporation, partnership or unincorporated
association if an owner or manager has been found guilty of
murder or a Class A, B or C crime or a violation of this chapter
or Title 17-A, chapter 15, 29, 37 or 39 or a similar law in
another state or jurisdiction, unless that conduct is not
punishable as a crime under the laws of that state or other
jurisdiction in which it occurred.

5.__Duration of permit and fee.__The Chief of the State Police
may issue a commercial beano hall permit for a calendar year for
a fee of $500.

6.__Membership in licensee organization.__The permittee or the
permittee's employee may not be a member of a licensee
organization renting or leasing the commercial beano hall.

7.__Rent or lease amount.__The permittee shall charge a
licensee fair market value and may not charge based on the
percentage of profit which the licensee makes for the rent or
lease of a commercial beano hall.


This bill amends laws applicable to beano as follows.

1. It creates a commercial beano hall permit, which must be
acquired by an individual, corporation, partnership or
unincorporated association seeking to rent or lease a building or
facilities for profit to an organization licensed to conduct

2. The applicant seeking a commercial beano hall permit shall
submit information and fingerprint cards to the Chief of the
State Police for owners and the manager so a background
investigation may be conducted prior to issuance of the permit.
The chief may deny a permit to an owner if the owner or manager

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