LD 87
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LD 87 Title Page An Act to Require All Voting Places to be Accessible Page 2 of 2
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LR 1113
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 21-A MRSA §630, as amended by PL 1997, c. 436, §91, is
further amended to read:

§630. Accessible voting places for the physically handicapped

1. Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context
indicates otherwise, the following terms have the following

A. "Accessible voting place" means a voting place in a
building in which the part of the building set aside for
voting meets the requirements for accessible routes of the
1981 standards of construction described in Title 25,
chapter 331.

B. "Physical handicap" means an impairment which confines
an individual to a wheelchair; causes an individual to walk
with difficulty; affects the sight or hearing to the extent
that an individual functioning in public areas is insecure
or exposed to danger; or causes faulty coordination or
reduces mobility, flexibility, coordination and
perceptiveness to the extent that special facilities are
needed to provide for the safety of that individual.

2. Voting places. Each municipality must provide at least
one voting place that is in a building, which ensure that each
voting place is an accessible voting place as defined in
subsection 1.

B. In municipalities in which one or more voting places are
inaccessible to handicapped voters and in which the office
of the clerk is in a building that is accessible as defined
in subsection 1, paragraph A, the municipal officers shall
designate the office of the clerk as an alternative voting
place for physically handicapped voters who reside in voting
districts that do not have accessible voting places. In
municipalities in which one or more voting places and the
office of the clerk are inaccessible to physically
handicapped voters and in which one or more voting places
are accessible to these voters, the municipal officers shall
designate one of these accessible voting places, as
centrally located as possible, as the alternative voting
place for physically handicapped voters who reside in voting
districts that do not have accessible voting places. A
physically handicapped voter who wishes to vote at an
alternative voting place must notify the clerk of the
municipality at least 48 hours before the date of any
election. This notice may be waived if an emergency exists.
The clerk shall keep a list of the persons who give this

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