LD 90
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act to Establish the Endowment Incentive Fund Page 4 of 4
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LR 18
Item 1

6.__University of Maine System; distribution formula.__The
Board of Trustees of the University of Maine System shall ensure
that money from the endowment fund distributed to the University
of Maine System is allocated to each of the universities in
proportion to the respective amounts of education funds and funds
appropriated to the General Fund allocated to the various

7.__Reduction prohibited.__Appropriations to the fund must be
in addition to any other funds appropriated to the University of
Maine System, the Maine Technical College System and the Maine
Maritime Academy and may not be used to reduce appropriations for
other purposes.

Sec. 2. Appropriation. The following funds are appropriated from the
General Fund to carry out the purposes of this Act.



Endowment Incentive Fund

All Other$14,000,000

Provides funds to establish a nonlapsing fund
to match qualified private donations for
academic purposes at the University of Maine
System, the Maine Technical College System and
the Maine Maritime Academy.


This bill establishes the Endowment Incentive Fund for the
University of Maine System, the Maine Technical College System
and the Maine Maritime Academy to benefit academic purposes at
the various campuses of Maine's publicly assisted postsecondary
education institutions. The bill encourages private fund raising
at Maine's publicly assisted postsecondary institutions by
allowing campus donors to multiply the value of their gifts
through state matching funds.

The bill requires the following.

1. The Endowment Incentive Fund is established as a
nonlapsing fund. The State Treasurer is responsible for the
custodial care of the fund and may deposit state funds pursuant
to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 135; the

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