LD 90
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act to Establish the Endowment Incentive Fund LD 90 Title Page
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LR 18
Item 1

Treasurer of State is also responsible for disbursement of the
Endowment Incentive Fund upon certification that established
criteria are met.

2. Interest earned on the investment of the Endowment
Incentive Fund must be credited to the respective publicly
assisted postsecondary institution or its qualified
institutionally related foundation.

3. For the administration of the Endowment Incentive Fund,
"academic purposes" is defined as scholarships, professorships or
other endowed faculty positions, the repair of classrooms and
laboratories and the acquisition of equipment for classrooms and

4. The respective board of trustees for each publicly
assisted postsecondary institution shall adopt criteria
establishing qualifications for private gifts and grants to be
matched from the Endowment Incentive Fund; and for each campus
within the University of Maine System, the board of visitors
shall advise their respective campus president on the
qualifications that are to be included in the final
recommendations to the board of trustees.

5. Qualified recipients of private donations eligible for
matching funds are the respective institutions of the 3 publicly
assisted postsecondary institutions, as well as institutionally
related foundations; and qualified institutionally related
foundations have the authority to receive and manage the
investment of matching funds, and may, at their discretion,
deposit funds allocated to them. Unless otherwise restricted by
the donors, qualified recipients may also combine, merge or pool
these funds with similar funds at the system level.

6. Matching funds must be made available to the 3 entities on
a percentage basis according to the amount appropriated from the
General Fund.

7. The Board of Trustees of the University of Maine System
shall ensure that the Endowment Incentive Fund distributed to the
University of Maine System is allocated to each of the
universities in the system in accordance with the formula that
the board adopts for the distribution of education and general

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