LD 168
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LR 236
Item 1

2001.__The commissioner shall call the first meeting of the board,
which must take place within 30 days of the completion of the
appointments of the initial members.__The board shall elect a chair
and secretary from among its members at its first meeting of each
year, provided that no person may serve as chair for more than 3

4.__Terms of office.__The Governor shall appoint 2 of the
initial board__members for a term of one year; 2 for a term of 2
years; and 3 for a term of 3 years.__Their successors are appointed
for terms of 3 years each.

5.__Removal.__The Governor may remove any member of the board
for cause.

6.__Meetings; quorum.__The board shall hold at least 3 regular
meetings a year.__Additional meetings may be held upon the call of
the chair or upon the written request of 2 board members.__A
majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum for the
transaction of business under this chapter.

§14004.__Powers and duties of board

The board has the following powers and duties in addition to all
other powers and duties otherwise set forth in this chapter.

1.__Standards.__The board shall administer and enforce this
chapter, set forth education and examination standards and evaluate
the qualifications for licensure and certification.

2.__Rules.__The board may adopt, in accordance with the Maine
Administrative Procedure Act, rules necessary to carry out the
purposes of this chapter including rules establishing fees.__Rules
adopted pursuant to this chapter are routine technical rules as
defined by Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

3.__Complaints.__The board shall investigate or cause to be
investigated all complaints made on its own motion or on written
complaint filed with the board and all cases of noncompliance with
or violation of this chapter or any rules adopted by the board.

4.__Disciplinary action.__The board may take disciplinary action
following an investigation pursuant to subsection 3.__If a
violation of any law or rules established pursuant to this chapter
is determined, the board may take one or more of the disciplinary
actions set forth in Title 10, section 8003, subsection 5.

5.__Records.__The board shall keep records and minutes necessary
to the ordinary conduct of its functions.

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