LD 230
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act Relating to the Registration Requirements of the Military Selective Serv... LD 230 Title Page
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LR 341
Item 1

1.__No requirement to register.__For whom the requirement to
register under the Military Selective Service Act, 50 United
States Code, Section 451, et seq. has terminated or otherwise
become inapplicable to the person; or

2.__Service completed or exempted.__Who is serving or already
has served in the military or who has a condition that would,
under military rules, preclude military service.


This bill, based on a New Hampshire law, prevents persons who
have failed to comply with the Military Selective Service Act of
the United States from attending state-supported institutions of
postsecondary or higher education, receiving student loans and
being employed by the State or its political subdivisions.

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