LD 363
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Page 1 of 5 An Act to Reduce Operating Under the Influence by Requiring Certification of On... Page 3 of 5
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LR 482
Item 1

Sec. 5. 28-A MRSA §2519, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 45, Pt. A,
§4, is amended to read:

3. Advisory committee; course criteria. The advisory
committee shall determine specific criteria which that an alcohol
server education course must contain to receive approval
certification. The specific criteria shall must be based on and
include the following.

A. The instructors of the program must possess the relevant
skills to provide instruction.

B. The course provides must provide instruction and the
development of skills in the following subject matters:

(1) Identification of intoxicated individuals and minors;

(2) Intervention to prevent excessive consumption of
alcohol by such methods as serving food and encouraging
the consumption of nonalcoholic beverages;

(3) Making consumers aware of their condition and their
responsibility for driving in an intoxicated condition
and providing alternate transportation when available;

(4) Knowledge of state laws relating to the sale and
distribution of alcohol and the legal responsibilities
of servers and consumers;

(5) Knowledge of the effect of alcohol by volume and
timing of intake in relation to an individual's weight;

(6) Examination of proof of age identification and methods
of detecting false or altered age identification

(7) Policies and practices to prevent the sale or service
of alcohol to minors and visibly intoxicated
individuals; and

(8) The effects of alcohol on the human body, including
the disease concept of alcoholism.

C. Participants are must be evaluated before taking the
course and after completion of the course.

D. Participants who successfully complete the course and the
final evaluation are must be awarded certificates

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