LD 363
pg. 3
Page 2 of 5 An Act to Reduce Operating Under the Influence by Requiring Certification of On... Page 4 of 5
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recognizing that they have successfully completed an approved
a certified alcohol server education course.

Sec. 6. 28-A MRSA §2519, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 45, Pt. A,
§4, is amended to read:

4. Advisory committee; review and recommendation. The
advisory committee shall review each alcohol server education
course submitted to the commissioner and recommend that the
commissioner either approve certify or not approve certify the
course based on whether the course meets the criteria the
advisory committee developed under subsection 3.

Sec. 7. 28-A MRSA §2519, sub-§§6 and 7, as amended by PL 1997, c. 373,
§168, are further amended to read:

6. Instructor training. Each instructor providing
instruction in an approved a certified alcohol server education
course must be certified by the bureau.__To receive
certification, an instructor shall biennially attend a seminar on
the liquor laws of the State provided by an employee of the
bureau. There is a $5 fee for the seminar to offset expenses
incurred in carrying out this subsection. The instructor of each
course provided shall supply the bureau with the name, address
and telephone number of each attendant.

7. Course accountability. The chief may appoint an employee
of the bureau to monitor each alcohol server education course to
ensure that the course presents proper training and meets the
approved criteria. The bureau shall maintain a record of the
participants who have completed an a certified alcohol server
training course. Each instructor of an approved certified course
shall provide the chief with the names, addresses, dates of birth
and social security numbers of students who complete the course
and the date of completion. The instructors shall forward $3 of
the enrollment fee to the bureau for every name submitted. The
amounts collected must be retained by the bureau to cover costs
incurred in carrying out this subsection.

Sec. 8. 28-A MRSA §2519, sub-§8, as amended by PL 1997, c. 373, §169,
is further amended to read:

8. Alcohol server education courses; approval; suspension;
revocation. The commissioner may refuse to issue or renew
approval certification for an alcohol server education course.
The commissioner may suspend or revoke approval certification for
an alcohol server education course upon the recommendation of the
advisory committee after reviewing the a report of the monitor.
The following are grounds for an action to refuse to issue or

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