LD 363
pg. 4
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LR 482
Item 1

renew approval certification or to suspend or revoke approval

A. The advisory committee finds that an alcohol server
education course does not meet the criteria listed in
subsection 3 or specific criteria determined by the

B. The course, when presented, does not follow specific
criteria determined by the advisory committee before
issuance of approval certification.

C. The instructor of the course does not provide
information or access to the monitor as required by
subsection 7.

D. Fraud or deceit is used to obtain course approval or in
providing the course or issuing certificates.

A person aggrieved by a decision of the commissioner to refuse to
issue or renew approval certification or to suspend or revoke
approval certification for an alcohol server education course
may, within 30 days of receipt of that decision, appeal the
decision to the Administrative Court.

Sec. 9. 28-A MRSA §2521 is enacted to read:

§2521.__Employment of uncertified alcohol server; prohibited


1.__Prohibited conduct.__A licensee under chapter 43 may not
continue to employ:

A.__An on-premise alcohol server who, after one year of
employment, is not certified under section 2514-A; or

B.__A seasonal on-premise alcohol server who, after 2 years
of employment, is not certified under section 2514-A.

2.__Jurisdiction.__Pursuant to section 801, the Administrative
Court has jurisdiction over violations of this section.


This bill requires all on-premise alcohol servers to complete
a certified alcohol server education course. Alcohol server
education courses must be certified by the Commissioner of Public
Safety. Instructors who teach alcohol server education

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