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Page 32 of 63 An Act to Adopt the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act ... Page 34 of 63
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Item 1

PKPA only if there has been notice and a reasonable opportunity to
be heard as set out in Section 205 [Me. cite section 1749].
Although VAWA does require that full faith and credit be accorded
to ex parte protective orders if notice will be given and there
will be a reasonable opportunity to be heard, it does not include a
"custody" order within the definition of "protective order."

VAWA does play an important role in determining whether an
emergency exists. That Act requires a court to give full faith
and credit to a protective order issued in another State if the
order is made in accordance with the VAWA. This would include
those findings of fact contained in the order. When a court is
deciding whether an emergency exists under this section, it may
not relitigate the existence of those factual findings.

§1749.__Notice; opportunity to be heard; joinder

1.__Notice and opportunity to be heard required.__Before a
child custody determination is made under this chapter, notice
and an opportunity to be heard in accordance with the standards
of section 1738 must be given to all persons entitled to notice
under the law of this State as in child custody proceedings
between residents of this State, any parent whose parental rights
have not been previously terminated and any person having
physical custody of the child.

2.__Enforceability without notice and opportunity to be heard.__
This chapter does not govern the enforceability of a child
custody determination made without notice or an opportunity to be

3.__Joinder and intervention of parties.__The obligation to
join a party and the right to intervene as a party in a child
custody proceeding under this chapter are governed by the law of
this State as in child custody proceedings between residents of
this State.

Uniform Comment

This section generally continues the notice provisions of the
UCCJA. However, it does not attempt to dictate who is entitled
to notice. Local rules vary with regard to persons entitled to
seek custody of a child. Therefore, this section simply
indicates that persons entitled to seek custody should receive
notice but leaves the rest of the determination to local law.
Parents whose parental rights have not been previously terminated
and persons having physical custody of the child are specifically
mentioned as persons who must be given notice. The PKPA, §
1738A(e), requires that they be given notice in order for

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