LD 471
pg. 3
Page 2 of 7 An Act to Repeal the Public Utilities Commission's Authority to Issue Certifica... Page 4 of 7
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LR 617
Item 1

schedule of transmission line rebuilding or relocation projects
which it intends to carry out during the next 5 years concerning
transmission lines that will become, or will remain at, voltages of
100 kilovolts or more. The schedule shall describe each project,
showing the length, location and estimated cost.

If the commission determines that an investigation of any
transmission line rebuilding or relocation project is warranted,
it shall notify the electric utility within 60 days of the annual
filing and the electric utility shall then be required to comply
with the provisions of this section with respect to that project.
The absence of commission notification requiring the utility to
file a petition does not preclude such notification in subsequent

3-A. Minor transmission line construction projects. Each
domestic electric utility shall file annually with the commission
a schedule of minor transmission line construction projects that
it intends to carry out during the next 5 years concerning
transmission lines that will be capable of operating at 100
kilovolts or more. A minor transmission line construction
project is a transmission line construction project, the cost of
which does not exceed 25% of the utility's current annual
transmission property depreciation charge. The schedule must
describe each project, showing the length, location and estimated

If the commission determines that an investigation of any minor
transmission line construction project is warranted, it shall
notify the electric utility within 60 days of the annual filing
and the electric utility must then comply with the provisions of
this section with respect to that project. The absence of
commission notification requiring the utility to file a petition
does not preclude such notification in subsequent years.

For purposes of this subsection only, the term "domestic electric
utility" does not include an entity that is not an electric
utility as a result of the application of section 102, subsection

4. Corridor of proposed transmission line. The electric
utility or utilities shall submit a map to the commission with
its application. The map must:

A. Be available to the public at the offices of the
commission and at the local town office where any portion of
the proposed transmission line is to be located;

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