LD 471
pg. 4
Page 3 of 7 An Act to Repeal the Public Utilities Commission's Authority to Issue Certifica... Page 5 of 7
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LR 617
Item 1

B. Indicate the proposed corridor or corridors of the
transmission line and a description of any planned equipment
and facilities to be placed there; and

C. Be prepared in cooperation with the appropriate natural
resource protection agencies and the affected

5. Commission approval of a proposed line. The commission
may approve or disapprove all or portions of a proposed
transmission line and shall make such orders regarding its
character, size, installation and maintenance as are necessary,
having regard for any increased costs caused by the orders.

6. Commission order; certificate of public convenience. In
its order, the commission shall make specific findings with
regard to the need for the proposed facilities. If the
commission finds that a need exists, it shall issue a certificate
of public convenience and necessity for the facilities. If the
commission orders or allows the erection of the facilities, the
order is subject to all other provisions of law and the right of
any other agency to approve the facilities. The electric utility
may submit a petition for and obtain approval of a proposed
transmission line under this section before applying for approval
under municipal ordinances adopted pursuant to Title 30-A, Part
2, Subpart 6-A; and Title 38, section 438-A and, except as
provided in subsection 4, before identifying a specific route or
route options for the proposed transmission line. Except as
provided in subsection 4, the commission may not consider the
petition insufficient for failure to provide identification of a
route or route options for the proposed transmission line. The
issuance of a certificate of public convenience and necessity
establishes that, as of the date of issuance of the certificate,
the decision by the utility to erect or construct was prudent.
At the time of its issuance of a certificate of public
convenience and necessity, the commission shall send to each
municipality through which a proposed corridor or corridors for a
transmission line extends a separate notice that the issuance of
the certificate does not override, supersede or otherwise affect
municipal authority to regulate the siting of the proposed
transmission line.

7. Environmental protection agency modification. If the
commission has issued a certificate of public convenience and
necessity for proposed transmission or generating facilities and
the Board of Environmental Protection in an order under Title 38,
section 484, makes a modification in the location, size,
character or design of the facilities, the company shall:

A. Deliver a copy of the order to the commission; and

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