LD 471
pg. 5
Page 4 of 7 An Act to Repeal the Public Utilities Commission's Authority to Issue Certifica... Page 6 of 7
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LR 617
Item 1

B. State the nature of the modifications and all cost
adjustments occasioned by the modifications to the cost of
the proposed facilities relied upon by the commission in
issuing its certificate of public convenience and necessity
under this section.

8. Cost adjustments. If the cost adjustments specified in
subsection 7 exceed the cost relied upon by the commission in the
original proceeding under this section by more than 20% of the
original cost, the utility may not proceed with any construction
of the proposed facilities, the commission's original certificate
of public convenience and necessity notwithstanding. The
commission, upon notification of the cost increase, shall:

A. Reopen its original decision concerning the facilities;

B. Make specific findings with regard to the need for the
facilities to the same extent and with the same authority as
if the company's petition for approval were before it; and

C. Except as modified in this section, retain all authority
granted to it under section 1321.

9. Filing fee; waiver of fee. When a petition is filed under
this section, the electric utility or utilities involved shall
pay to the commission an amount equal to 2/100 of 1% of the
estimated cost to erect, rebuild or relocate the facility
provided that in the case of a petition filed under subsection 2,
the fee shall be 4/100 of 1%. The utility may, at the time of
the filing of notice of its intent to file the petition, or, in
the case of lines subject to subsection 2, at the time of the
filing of the petition, request the commission to waive all or a
portion of the filing fee. The commission shall rule on the
request for waiver within 30 days.

Filing fees paid as required under this subsection shall must be
segregated, apportioned and expended by the commission for the
purposes of this section. Any portion of the filing fee that is
received from any utility and is not expended by the commission
to process the petition for a certificate of public convenience
and necessity shall must be returned to the utility.

10. Exemption from filing fees. Notwithstanding any other
requirement in this section, the commission may, by rule, exempt
from filing fees applications concerning transmission lines not
associated with a major new generating facility or construction
of small generating facilities, the review of which does not
place an unusual burden on the commission's budget.

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