LD 471
pg. 6
Page 5 of 7 An Act to Repeal the Public Utilities Commission's Authority to Issue Certifica... Page 7 of 7
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LR 617
Item 1

11-A. Amendments, extensions and renewals of contracts
originally subject to commission approval. This section applies
to any amendment, extension or renewal of any contract between
the utility and other parties with an ownership interest,
governing the terms of their participation in the construction of
a generation or transmission facility subject to this section, if
the original contract was subject to approval by the commission.
The commission may waive the approval requirements of this
section with respect to a particular amendment, extension or
renewal or a group of amendments, extensions or renewals upon
request under subsection 1. If the commission does not respond
to a request for waiver within 30 days, the request is deemed to
have been granted. The commission shall prescribe by rule the
content of a request for waiver and procedures for the
expeditious processing of requests in certain circumstances.

11-B. Amendments, extensions and renewals of contracts not
originally subject to commission approval. For any amendment,
extension or renewal of any contract otherwise subject to this
section, but when the original contract was not subject to
approval by the commission, the utility shall file a copy of the
proposed amendment, extension or renewal with the commission
within 7 days of the day when the utility receives notice of the
proposal, but approval under this section is not required.

12. Waiver of notice. The commission may waive any of the
notice requirements in this section in advance of filing.

Sec. 2. 35-A MRSA §3133, as amended by PL 1995, c. 357, §§3 to 5,
is further amended by repealing and replacing the headnote to

§3133.__Purchase of generating capacity, energy or fuel

conversion of generating facilities prohibited

without prior order of the commission

Sec. 3. 35-A MRSA §3133, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1995, c. 357, §3, is
further amended to read:

1. Commission approval required for purchases and
conversions. An electric utility may not purchase any generating
capacity, transmission capacity or energy or carry out a fuel
conversion as defined in section 3131, unless the commission has
issued a certificate of public convenience and necessity
approving the purchase or conversion or has waived the approval
requirements pursuant to subsection 11.

Sec. 4. 35-A MRSA §3133-A, as amended by PL 1995, c. 357, §§6 to 9,
is further amended by repealing and replacing the headnote to

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