LD 567
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Improve Insurance Company Practices Pertaining to Collision Appraisal... LD 567 Title Page
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LR 1611
Item 1

(2)__Approach the appraisal of damaged motor vehicles
without prejudice against, or favoritism toward, any
party involved in order to make fair and impartial

(3)__Disregard any efforts on the part of others to
influence the appraiser's judgment in the interest of
the parties involved; and

(4)__Prepare independent appraisals of damage.

B. An appraiser may not:

(1)__Receive direct or indirect gratuities or other
consideration in connection with appraisal services,
from any person except the appraiser's employer or, if
the appraiser is self-employed, the appraiser's
customers; and

(2)__Traffic in automobile salvage if the salvage is
obtained in any way as a result of the performance of
appraisal services.

7.__Liability for damages.__Any person suffering harm as a
result of an appraiser's violation of any of the requirements of
this section may recover the greater of $1,000 or actual damages
in a civil action.__An action for a violation under this section
may not be brought more than 2 years after the date of the
occurrence of the violation.__Any violation of this section
constitutes prima facie evidence of a violation of the Maine
Unfair Trade Practices Act.


This bill governs the conduct of appraisers of collision
damage to motor vehicles.

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