LD 575
pg. 3
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LR 301
Item 1

the prevalence of rabies in the State, the Director of the Bureau
of Health within the Department of Human Services shall
periodically advise the department of the importance of including
these materials as a component of health and safety instruction
mandated under section 4711.

Sec. 6. 22 MRSA §1313, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 468, §23, is
amended to read:

1. Establishment of procedures. The commissioner, in
consultation with the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural
Resources and the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
shall adopt rules, in accordance with the Maine Administrative
Procedure Act, establishing procedures for responding to a report
of an animal suspected of having rabies. The procedures must
include provisions for the transportation, quarantine, euthanasia
and testing of an animal suspected of having rabies and, when
that animal has bitten a person, provisions for the notification
of the animal control officer in the locality where the bite
occurred. The procedures may differ based on the perceived
public health threat determined in part by consideration of the
following factors:

A. Whether the animal is a domesticated animal for which a
known effective vaccine exists and, if so, can the animal's
vaccination status be verified; and

B. Whether the animal has bitten a person or exhibited
other aggressive behavior.


This bill amends the provisions regarding dangerous dogs to
extend the period during which a complaint of assault may be made
from 10 to 90 days after the attack. It removes the restriction
that the assault must be unprovoked when the person assaulted is
a child 12 years of age or younger. It increases the maximum
fine for a violation of the dangerous dog statutes from $100 to
$1,000. It requires the officer filing a complaint of a
dangerous dog to send a copy of the complaint to the Department
of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources. It allows the officer
making the complaint to determine where the animal must be
confined pending the court hearing.

This bill directs the Department of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Resources to collect information regarding assaults by
dogs, to summarize that information in its annual report to the
Legislature and provide this information to the Director of the
Bureau of Health within the Department of Human Services. It

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