LD 594
pg. 6
Page 5 of 14 An Act to Privatize the Liquor Industry Page 7 of 14
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Item 1

Sec. 27. 28-A MRSA §453-A, first ¶, as amended by PL 1997, c. 373, §47,
is further amended to read:

The bureau shall issue a license for an agency a liquor store
within a municipality or unincorporated place by the following

Sec. 28. 28-A MRSA §453-A, sub-§§1, 1-A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5-A and 6, as amended by PL
1997, c. 373, §47, are further amended to read:

1. Bidding to replace state liquor stores. The bureau shall
solicit bids from the general public for each agency liquor store
license to be issued. For an agency a license to replace an
existing state store, the bureau may not accept a bid lower than
1% of the taxable retail sales of the store being replaced,
determined for the fiscal year that ended immediately before the
closure of the store.

1-A. Bidding to replace agency liquor stores. The bureau
shall solicit bids from the general public for each agency liquor
store license to be issued. For licenses to establish an agency
liquor store or replace an existing agency liquor store, the
bureau may not accept a bid lower than $2,000.

2. Public notice and solicitation of bids. The bureau shall,
in accordance with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act, give
public notice that an agency a liquor store may be established in
a particular municipality or unincorporated place. The bureau
shall summarize in the public notice the bidding requirements for
the agency store license, including the minimum bid required.
The bureau shall request all parties in the municipality or
unincorporated place interested in bidding on a license to
establish an agency a liquor store there to submit bids and
applications to the bureau.

3. Information to applicants. The bureau shall provide all
applicants with the necessary information for the establishment
of an agency a liquor store.

4. Notice to municipality. Upon receipt of all applications
for an agency a liquor store license in a municipality and at
least 15 days before the final selection of an applicant or
applicants by the bureau, the bureau shall notify the municipal
officers of that municipality of the proposed location of each

5. Licensing decisions. The bureau shall conduct an
investigation to determine the feasibility of the location and
type of facility for the agency liquor store and shall issue the

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