LD 594
pg. 7
Page 6 of 14 An Act to Privatize the Liquor Industry Page 8 of 14
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Item 1

license to one or more of the applicants, taking into consideration
the bid offered and any other factors the bureau considers

5-A. Hearings on applications. The bureau, in accordance
with the provisions of the Maine Administrative Procedure Act,
shall conduct a hearing to take testimony, consider comment and
deliberate on applications. In addition to giving any notice
required by the Maine Administrative Procedure Act, the bureau
shall give notice of public hearing in writing to any existing
agency liquor stores located within 5 miles of the applicant's
proposed store location by regular mail at least 15 days prior to
the hearing.

6. Denial of application. The bureau shall notify any
applicant denied a license of the reasons for the denial by
certified mail to the mailing address given by the applicant in
the application for an agency a liquor store license.

Sec. 29. 28-A MRSA §453-B, as repealed and replaced by PL 1993, c.
509, §5, is repealed.

Sec. 30. 28-A MRSA §454, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 45, Pt. A, §4,
is amended to read:

§454. Liquor store in former state liquor store location

Within 72 hours of opening for business, an agency a liquor
store, occupying premises previously occupied by a state liquor
store, or an agency liquor store shall remove all signs on the
premises of that store which that identify those premises as a
state liquor store or an agency liquor store.

Sec. 31. 28-A MRSA §§454-A to 454-E are enacted to read:


Each applicant for a liquor store license must file an
application in the form prescribed by the bureau.__The
application is in addition to any other application filed with
the bureau concerning other liquor licensing privileges.


1.__Qualification for a license.__The bureau may issue a
license to operate a liquor store to an applicant only upon a
finding that the applicant meets the eligibility requirements in
section 601 and that the applicant is of sound judgment and good
character, subscribes to sound business principles and meets all

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