LD 1050
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act to Establish a Scholarship Fund for Law Enforcement Education Page 3 of 3
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LR 1941
Item 1

executive officer shall administer the fund and shall establish by
rule the rates of interest or fees to be charged.

§12523.__Allocation and distribution of funds; renewal

The chief executive officer shall establish by rule the
allocation and distribution of funds available under this
chapter.__Loans for students are for one academic year and may be
renewed if the student maintains a grade point average of 2.5
based on a scale of 4.0 or an equivalent scale.

§12524.__Eligibility requirements

A postsecondary education loan may be given to a graduating
high school senior or college student who is a resident of the
State and demonstrates an interest in pursuing a career in law
enforcement.__Preference must be given to students who have been
accepted by or are currently enrolled in a state postsecondary
educational institution.__Eligibility for renewal is as provided
under section 12523.

§12525.__Payment; repayment; deferment

The payment of loans to the student, the procedure and
schedule for repayment of the loan and the granting of a
deferment are as established by rule of the authority.


The Scholarships for Law Enforcement Education Fund is created
under the jurisdiction of the authority as a nonlapsing,
interest-earning, revolving fund to carry out the purposes of
this chapter.__The authority may receive, invest and expend, on
behalf of the fund, money from gifts, grants, bequests, loans and
donations, in addition to money appropriated or allocated by the
Legislature.__Loan repayments under this chapter or other
repayments to the authority must be invested by the authority, as
provided by law, with the earned income to be added to the fund.__
Money received by the authority on behalf of the fund, except
interest income, must be used for the purpose designated in
section 12522; interest income may be used for the designated
purpose or to pay student financial assistance administrative
costs incurred by the authority as determined appropriate by the


Rules adopted under this chapter are routine technical rules
pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

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