LD 1066
pg. 1
LD 1066 Title Page An Act to Establish the Early Care and Revolving Loan Program Page 2 of 5
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LR 2705
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 10 MRSA §1026-Q is enacted to read:

§1026-Q.__Early Care and Education Revolving Loan Program

1.__Established.__The Early Care and Education Revolving Loan
Program, referred to in this section as the "program," is
established to provide financial assistance to businesses
providing early care and education.__The authority shall
administer the program, which may include direct loans to early
care and education providers, as well as loans or grants by the
authority to eligible economic development corporations or
entities for the purpose of providing loans to early care and
education providers.__The Early Care and Education Revolving Loan
Program Fund, referred to in this section as the "fund," is
established as a revolving fund, into which must be deposited all
amounts appropriated to the program, interest earnings on the
fund, any amounts repaid to the program by loan recipients and
funds from any other source.__Amounts in the fund must be used by
the authority for purposes authorized in this section.

2.__Eligible corporations.__The program is open to local,
regional and statewide nonprofit or governmental economic
development corporations or entities, capable of providing
financial assistance to businesses providing early child care and
education.__To be eligible to participate in the program:

A.__A corporation must apply to the authority to participate
in the program.__The application must describe the
corporation and its funding sources, the region it serves,
its methods and criteria for qualifying borrowers,
strategies in locating qualified borrowers, its expertise in
management assistance and financing of early child care and
education businesses, its ability to leverage funds from
other sources and other information the authority determines

B.__A corporation must have a strategy for the provision of
marketing and technical assistance to early child care and
education businesses and enough expert assistance available
to underwrite, document and process loans and assist its
clients; and

C.__The corporation must be determined by the authority to
be able to prudently and effectively administer a direct
loan fund and to coordinate the administration of a loan
fund with other business assistance programs and employment
training and social assistance programs.

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