LD 1066
pg. 2
Page 1 of 5 An Act to Establish the Early Care and Revolving Loan Program Page 3 of 5
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LR 2705
Item 1

3.__Disbursements from fund.__If an application is approved,
the authority shall determine the amount to be disbursed to the
corporation, taking into account:

A.__The size of the region served by the corporation and the
expected demand for loan funds in that region;

B.__The demand for funds from other eligible corporations in
relation to the total amount available in the fund; and

C.__Whether an eligible corporation serves a geographic area
or segment of potential business borrowers not served by
other applicants.

The authority shall allocate funds in the program considering
each of the factors in this subsection and such other factors as
the authority establishes by rule.__The authority may reserve up
to 50% of the funds appropriated for loans to be made by the
authority.__Funds allocated to a corporation must be disbursed
directly to and retained by the eligible corporation in
accordance with the contract between the corporation and the
authority.__Funds must be disbursed to the corporation in the
form of a loan or grant.__The authority may disburse fund amounts
in one lump sum or periodic disbursements.

4.__Contract.__A corporation that has been approved for
participation in the program may enter into a contract with the
authority.__The contract governs the administration of the
program and the use of funds.__The contract must provide that a
corporation shall, at a minimum, conform to the following terms
and conditions:

A.__The corporation shall certify that it will use funds
only for eligible purposes;

B.__The corporation shall review each application for
financial assistance, determine the feasibility of the
application and approve or deny the application;

C.__An officer or employee of the corporation or a member of
its credit committee may not participate in any way in, or
have any influence over, a decision on a project in which
that officer, employee or member has a direct or indirect
personal financial interest;

D.__If the corporation breaches its contract with the authority
or ceases to operate a loan program in substantial conformance
with its proposal to the authority, the authority may withhold
further funding and may require

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