LD 1126
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LD 1126 Title Page An Act to Increase Internal Plumbing Fees and Remedy Inconsistencies in Plumbin... Page 2 of 3
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 30-A MRSA §4211, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1989, c. 104, Pt. C,
§§8 and 10, is further amended to read:

1. Municipal ordinances. Municipalities may enact ordinances
under their home rule authority which that are more restrictive
than rules governing plumbing or subsurface waste water
wastewater disposal systems adopted by the department Department
of Professional and Financial Regulation and the Department of
Human Services, respectively. The Either department may provide
technical assistance to municipalities in the development of
ordinances under this subchapter, pertaining to their respective
rules. The municipality shall enforce any such ordinance.

Sec. 2. 30-A MRSA §4211, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1993, c. 404, Pt. C,
§1, is further amended to read:

2. State rules. No A municipal ordinance may not be less
restrictive than the rules of the department relating to plumbing
or subsurface waste water wastewater disposal systems as adopted
under Title 22, section 42. The rules of the department
relating to all plumbing or subsurface waste water wastewater
disposal systems have full force and effect, provided that, to
the extent that a municipality has enacted more restrictive
ordinances, the provisions of those ordinances prevail.

Sec. 3. 30-A MRSA §4211, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1997, c. 106, §1, is
further amended to read:

5. Permit fees. The following permit fees may be charged.

A. A plumbing permit fee of $4 $6 per internal fixture may
be charged.

B. A maximum plumbing permit fee of $4 may be charged for
all other internal plumbing work.

C. A minimum fee, not to exceed $12 $24, may be charged for
all internal plumbing permits combined.

D. A nonengineered subsurface waste water wastewater
disposal system fee not to exceed $100 may be charged.

Sec. 4. 30-A MRSA §4212, sub-§§1 and 2, as amended by PL 1989, c. 104,
Pt. C, §§8 and 10, are further amended to read:

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