LD 1126
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act to Increase Internal Plumbing Fees and Remedy Inconsistencies in Plumbin... Page 3 of 3
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LR 895
Item 1

1. Administration of rules. The department is responsible
for ensuring the proper administration of the plumbing and
subsurface waste water wastewater disposal rules and permitting
processes by municipalities. The department shall assist
municipalities in complying with this subchapter and with section

2. Review. The department shall review the administration of
plumbing and subsurface waste water wastewater disposal rules and
laws in each municipality for compliance with this subchapter and
with section 3428. This review shall must be made on a regular
basis and may be made in response to a written complaint from any
person as necessary. The department shall inspect the
municipality's records and discuss the administration of the
program with the local plumbing inspector. The local plumbing
inspector shall be available during the department's review and
shall cooperate in providing all necessary information. The
department shall report the results of its review in writing to
the municipality and, when applicable, to the complainant. The
written notice shall must set forth the department's findings of
whether the municipality is in compliance with this subchapter
and section 3428.

Sec. 5. 30-A MRSA §4214, as amended by PL 1989, c. 104, Pt. C, §§8
and 10, is further amended to read:

§4214. Legislative intent

It is the intent of the Legislature that local jurisdictions
have primary responsibility for enforcing rules adopted by the
department governing the installation and inspection of plumbing
and subsurface waste water wastewater disposal systems. The
adoption of rules by the department does not deny municipal
authority under section 3001 to adopt more restrictive

Sec. 6. 30-A MRSA §4215, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1989, c. 104, Pt. C,
§§8 and 10, is further amended to read:

4. Fees. The plumbing inspector shall issue any permit under
this section upon receipt and approval of a completed application
form as prescribed by the commissioner and payment by the
applicant of the fee established by the municipality. The fee
must be at least the minimum amount determined by rule of the
department. One-quarter of the amount of the minimum fee shall
must be paid through the department to the Treasurer of State to
be maintained as a permanent fund and used by the department to
implement its plumbing and subsurface waste water wastewater
disposal rules and, to train and certify local plumbing
inspectors administer the receipt and collation of completed
permits and to issue plumbing permit labels to the municipality

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