LD 1130
pg. 4
Page 3 of 7 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Task Force to Study Telecommunic... Page 5 of 7
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LR 416
Item 1

(2) Any sale by a personal representative in the
settlement of an estate, unless the sale is made through
a retailer, or unless the sale is made in the
continuation or operation of a business;

(3) The sale, to a person engaged in the business of
renting automobiles, of automobiles, integral parts of
automobiles or accessories to automobiles, for rental
or for use in an automobile rented on a short-term

(4) The sale, to a person engaged in the business of
renting video tapes and video equipment, of video tapes
or video equipment for rental; or

(5) The sale, to a person engaged in the business of
renting or leasing automobiles, of automobiles for
rental or lease for one year or more.; or

(6)__The sale, to a person engaged in the business of
providing cable television services, of cable converter
boxes for rental or lease.

Sec. 10. 36 MRSA §1752, sub-§17-A, ¶C, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 497,
§25, is amended to read:

C. Telephone or telegraph service Telecommunications

Sec. 11. 36 MRSA §1752, sub-§17-A, ¶G, as amended by PL 1993, c. 701,
§4, is further amended to read:

G. Rental of video tapes and video equipment; and

Sec. 12. 36 MRSA §1752, sub-§17-A, ¶H, as amended by PL 1995, c. 281,
§14 and affected by §42, is further amended to read:

H. Rental or lease of an automobile.; and

Sec. 13. 36 MRSA §1752, sub-§17-A, ¶I is enacted to read:

I.__Prepaid calling arrangements.

Sec. 14. 36 MRSA §1752, sub-§18-A, as amended by PL 1997, c. 668, §22,
is repealed.

Sec. 15. 36 MRSA §1752, sub-§18-B, as amended by PL 1997, c. 668, §23,
is repealed.

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