LD 1130
pg. 5
Page 4 of 7 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Task Force to Study Telecommunic... Page 6 of 7
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Item 1

Sec. 16. 36 MRSA §1752, sub-§§18-C and 18-D are enacted to read:

18-C.__Telecommunications equipment.__"Telecommunications
equipment" means any 2-way interactive communications device,
system or process for transmitting or receiving signals and
capable of exchanging audio, video, data or textual information.__
"Telecommunications equipment" does not include computers, except
those components of a computer used primarily and directly as a
2-way interactive communications device capable of exchanging
audio, video, data or textual information.

18-D.__Telecommunications services.__"Telecommunications
services" means all telecommunications services as described in
this subsection.

A.__"Telecommunications services" includes:

(1)__The provision of 2-way interactive communications
through the use of telecommunications equipment; or

(2)__The installation, maintenance or repair of
telecommunications equipment.

B.__"Telecommunications services" does not include:

(1)__Service originating or terminating outside this

(2)__Access services;

(3)__Directory advertising services;

(4) The sale of unbundled network elements for use in
the provision of telecommunications services;

(5)__For leases entered into on or after October 1,
1996, "telecommunications services" does not include
the lease of telecommunications equipment; or

(6)__A prepaid calling arrangement.

Sec. 17. 36 MRSA §1760, sub-§9-H is enacted to read:

9-H.__Residential telecommunications services.__Sales of up to
the first $16 per month per residential telecommunications
account for local exchange service.

Sec. 18. 36 MRSA §1760, sub-§32-A is enacted to read:

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