LD 1130
pg. 6
Page 5 of 7 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Task Force to Study Telecommunic... Page 7 of 7
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LR 416
Item 1

32-A.__Machinery and equipment used to provide communications
service.__Sales of machinery and equipment for use by the
purchaser directly and primarily in the provision of
communications service that is intended to be sold or leased
ultimately for final use or consumption.

Sec. 19. 36 MRSA §1811, 2nd ¶, as amended by PL 1977, c. 198, §6, is
further amended to read:

The tax imposed upon the sale and distribution of gas, water
or electricity, or telephone or telegraph service
telecommunications services, by any public utility, the rates for
which sale and distribution are established by the Public
Utilities Commission, shall must be added to the rates so
established. No tax shall may be imposed upon the sale or use of
electrical energy, or water stored for the purpose of generating
electricity, when the sale is to or by a wholly owned subsidiary
by or to its parent corporation, except for electrical energy or
water purchased for resale to or by such wholly owned subsidiary.


This bill contains the recommendations of the Task Force to
Study Telecommunications Taxation established by Resolve 1997,
chapter 121. The bill makes the following changes.

The bill replaces the definition of taxable "telephone and
telegraph service" in the sales tax law with a definition of
"telecommunications services." The new definition clarifies the
meaning of the old definition, ensures that unbundled network
elements sold to another provider of telecommunications services
are not taxable and excludes prepaid calling arrangements from
the definition of "telecommunications services."

The bill excludes from sales tax the sale of cable television
converter boxes to a provider of cable television services.

The bill provides that a prepaid calling arrangement is a
taxable service under the sales tax law.

The bill requires the Bureau of Revenue Services to monitor
legal and technological developments in the field of
telecommunications and report to the Legislature any need for
change to the State's tax laws.

The bill provides sales tax exemptions for machinery and
equipment used directly and primarily to provide communications

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