LD 1147
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LD 1147 Title Page An Act to Decriminalize Resource Protection Violations by Seafood Dealers Page 2 of 4
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LR 1932
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §12004-A, sub-§37-A is enacted to read:

37-A.__Board$55/Day32 MRSA__15301

of Seafood Dealers

Sec. 2. 10 MRSA §8001, sub-§38, ¶¶KK and LL, as enacted by PL 1995, c.
560, Pt. H, §4 and affected by §17, are amended to read:

KK. Board of Boiler Rules; and

LL. Board of Elevator and Tramway Safety.; and

Sec. 3. 10 MRSA §8001, sub-§38, ¶MM is enacted to read:

MM.__Board of Seafood Dealers.

Sec. 4. 12 MRSA §6858, sub-§7, as enacted by PL 1977, c. 661, §5, is

Sec. 5. 12 MRSA §6861-A, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 348, §13,
is repealed.

Sec. 6. 12 MRSA §6865 is enacted to read:


Notwithstanding section 6404, the Board of Seafood Dealers,
established in Title 5, section 12004-A, subsection 37-A, shall
determine penalties for violations of this chapter under the
provisions of Title 32, chapters 1-A and 135.__A law enforcement
officer must report a violation of this chapter to the Board of
Seafood Dealers.

Sec. 7. 32 MRSA c. 135 is enacted to read:



§15301.__Board of Seafood Dealers

1.__Establishment.__The Board of Seafood Dealers within the
Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, as
established by Title 5, section 12004-A, subsection 37-A and
referred to in this chapter as the "board," shall carry out the
purposes of this chapter.

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