LD 1147
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act to Decriminalize Resource Protection Violations by Seafood Dealers Page 3 of 4
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LR 1932
Item 1

2.__Members.__The board consists of the following 7 members:

A.__Five seafood dealers licensed under Title 12, chapter
625, appointed by the Governor.__The seafood dealers must
represent the various types of seafood dealer businesses and
the coastal regions of the State;

B.__One member of the public, appointed by the Governor; and

C.__One member who is a representative of the Department of
Marine Resources with expertise in matters relating to
seafood dealers, appointed by the Governor upon the
recommendation of the Commissioner of Marine Resources.

3.__Timetable.__The Governor shall make initial appointments
to the board by January 1, 2000.__The board shall elect a chair
and secretary from among its members at its first meeting of each
year.__A person may not serve as chair for more than 3 years.__
The commissioner shall call the first meeting of the board, which
must take place within 30 days of the completion of the
appointments of the initial members.

4.__Terms of office.__Of the first board members, the Governor
shall appoint 3 for a term of one year; 2 for 2 years; and 2 for
3 years.__Their successors must be appointed for terms of 3 years

5.__Removal.__The Governor may remove any member of the board
for cause and the reason for the termination of each appointment
must be communicated to each member so terminated.__The
appointment of any member of the board must be terminated if a
member is absent for 6 consecutive board meetings without good
and just cause that is communicated to the chair.

6.__Meetings; quorum.__The board shall hold monthly meetings.__
Additional meetings may be held upon the call of the chair or the
secretary or upon the written request of any 2 board members.__
Four members of the board constitute a quorum.

§15302.__Powers and duties of the board

The board has the following powers and duties in addition to
all other powers and duties otherwise set forth in this chapter.

1.__Rules.__The board may adopt, in accordance with the Maine
Administrative Procedure Act, rules necessary to carry out the
purposes of this chapter.__Rules adopted pursuant to this chapter
are major substantive rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A.

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