LD 1147
pg. 3
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LR 1932
Item 1

2.__Complaints.__The board shall investigate or cause to be
investigated all complaints made on its own motion or on written
complaint filed with the board and all cases of noncompliance with
or violation of Title 12, chapter 625 or any rules adopted by the

3.__Records.__The board shall keep records and minutes as are
necessary to the ordinary dispatch of its functions.

4.__Reports.__The board shall submit to the Commissioner of
Professional and Financial Regulations an annual report of its
operations for the preceding fiscal year no later than August 1st
of each year.

5.__Officers and secretary duties.__The secretary shall keep
records and minutes of all activities and meetings.

6.__Hearings.__The board shall conduct hearings to assist with
investigations and to determine whether grounds exist for
suspension or revocation of a license or as otherwise determined
necessary to the fulfillment of its responsibilities under this

§15303.__Disciplinary action grounds; procedure; complaints

1.__Grounds.__The board may suspend or revoke a license
pursuant to Title 5, section 10004.__In addition, the board may
take any other action pursuant to Title 10, section 8003,
subsection 5.__The board's actions may be based on:

A.__The practice of fraud or deceit in obtaining a license
under Title 12, chapter 625 or in connection with service
rendered within the scope of the license issued;

B.__Aiding or abetting a person not duly licensed under
Title 12, chapter 625 who represents that person as being so

C.__Subject to the limitations of Title 5, chapter 341,
conviction of a crime that involves dishonesty or false
statement or that relates directly to the practice of
seafood dealers or conviction of any crime for which
incarceration for one year or more may be imposed; or

D.__Violation of any provisions of this chapter or any rule
of the board.

2.__Procedure.__Except as provided in Title 5, section 10004,
a license may not be suspended or revoked for the reasons

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