LD 1147
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act to Decriminalize Resource Protection Violations by Seafood Dealers LD 1147 Title Page
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LR 1932
Item 1

set forth in subsection 1 without prior written notice and
opportunity for hearing on that suspension.__The burden of proof is
on the board in any proceeding to suspend or revoke a license.__A
license may not be suspended under this section except by majority
vote of the board.

3.__Complaints.__A person may file a complaint with the board
seeking disciplinary action against the holder of a license
issued under Title 12, chapter 625.__Complaints must be in
writing in a form prescribed by the board by rule.__If the board
determines that a complaint makes allegations that, if true,
would require revocation or suspension or other disciplinary
action, the board shall conduct a hearing pursuant to the Maine
Administrative Procedure Act.__When the board establishes that a
complaint does not warrant a hearing, the complaint may be
dismissed.__Persons making complaints must be advised in writing
of each formal decision made by the board regarding that

An individual whose license or registration has been suspended or
revoked may apply to the board for licensure reinstatement one
year after the date of the board's original action.__A competency
review is a condition of reinstatement.__The board shall
determine the nature of this review.

The board shall conduct its proceedings in accordance with the
provisions of Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter IV.


This bill establishes the Board of Seafood Dealers to enforce
violations, review complaints against seafood dealers and take
disciplinary action. The board consists of 7 members appointed
by the Governor. Six members are licensed seafood dealers. One
member is a representative of the Department of Marine Resources
with expertise in matters relating to seafood dealers.

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