LD 1159
pg. 5
Page 4 of 7 An Act to Create the Calais to Eastport Rail Authority and Transfer State Owner... Page 6 of 7
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expedient, and all charges for services provided by the
department may be paid to it by the authority as mutually agreed
upon; and

6.__Other action.__Take all lawful action necessary and
incidental to effectuate the purposes set forth in this chapter.

§8215. Obligations of the authority

All expenses incurred in carrying out this chapter must be
paid solely from funds provided to or obtained by the authority
pursuant to this chapter.__Any notes, obligations or liabilities
under this chapter are not a debt of the State or a pledge of the
faith and credit of the State, but those notes, obligations and
liabilities are payable exclusively from funds provided to or
obtained by the authority pursuant to this chapter.__Pecuniary
liability of any kind may not be imposed upon the State or any
locality, town or landowner in the State because of any act,
agreement, contract, tort, malfeasance, misfeasance or
nonfeasance by or on the part of the authority or its agents,
servants or employees.__The records and correspondence relating
to negotiations, trade secrets received by the authority and
estimates of costs on projects to be put out to bid are

§8216. Report to Legislature; departmental review

1.__Annual report.__By January 1st of each year, the authority
shall report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over transportation matters and to the
Commissioner of Transportation on the programs undertaken
pursuant to this chapter and submit a report of receipts and
expenditures from all sources of funding.

2.__Operating budget.__By January 31st of each year, the
authority shall present the operating budget of the authority for
the next fiscal year beginning July 1st to the Commissioner of
Transportation for approval.__The authority may make expenditures
only in accordance with allocations approved by the Commissioner
of Transportation.__Any balance of an allocation that at any time
is not required for the purpose named in that allocation may be
transferred at any time prior to the closing of the books to any
other allocation for the use of the authority for the same fiscal
year, subject to review and approval by the commissioner.__Fiscal
statements describing a transfer must be submitted by the
authority to the commissioner 30 days before the transfer is to
be implemented.__These fiscal statements must include information
specifying the accounts that are affected, amounts to be
transferred, a description of the transfer and a detailed
explanation as to why the transfer is needed.

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