LD 1159
pg. 6
Page 5 of 7 An Act to Create the Calais to Eastport Rail Authority and Transfer State Owner... Page 7 of 7
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LR 1876
Item 1

§8217. Fair practices; affirmative action

The authority shall comply with Title 5, chapter 65.

§8218. Property of authority

1.__Property of authority.__All property of the authority
pursuant to the provisions of this chapter is exempt from levy
and sale by virtue of any execution, and an execution or other
judicial process is not a valid lien upon property held pursuant
to the provisions of this chapter.__The authority may use its
property only for the purposes set forth in this chapter.

2.__Entry upon lands.__The authority and its authorized agents
and employees may enter upon any lands or waters in the State for
the purpose of making surveys, soundings, drillings and
examinations as it determines necessary or convenient for the
purpose of this chapter and the entry is not a trespass nor is
the authority liable for the discovery of any form of waste or
environmental contamination.

3.__Authority for transfer of interest in land to authority.__
Any county, municipality or other political subdivision, any
public agency or commission of the State and any public service
corporation or district, notwithstanding any contrary provisions
of law, may lease, lend, grant or convey to the authority, upon
its request and upon terms and conditions the proper authorities
of the political subdivision, agency, commission, public service
corporation or district determine reasonable and fair, any real
or personal property or rights in the property that are necessary
or convenient to the effectuation of the authorized purposes of
the authority, including real and personal property or rights in
the property already devoted to public use.__As used in this
subsection, the term "public service corporation" includes a
public utility as defined in Title 35-A, section 102, subsection
13 and a corporation as defined in Title 13-A, section 102,
subsection 8.

§8219. Exemption from taxes

Because the accomplishment by the authority of the authorized
purpose stated in this chapter is for the benefit of the people
of the State and for the improvement of their commerce and
prosperity and is the performance of essential governmental
functions, the authority may not be required to pay any taxes or
assessment on any property acquired or used by it for the
purposes provided in this chapter, except that service facilities
leased or rented by the authority to business entities are
subject to taxation, and assessments must be made against the

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