LD 1165
pg. 1
LD 1165 Title Page An Act Regarding the Retirement Plan for Rangers in the Law Enforcement Bargain... Page 2 of 3
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §17851, sub-§12-A is enacted to read:

12-A.__Baxter State Park Authority rangers; additional option.__
A law enforcement officer in the employment of the Baxter State
Park Authority qualifies for a service retirement benefit upon
reaching 50 years of age after completing at least 25 years of
creditable service in that capacity if notice of election of the
option and payment of employee contributions and actuarial costs
are made as provided in section 17852, subsection 11.

Sec. 2. 5 MRSA §17852, sub-§11, as amended by PL 1995, c. 624, §11, is
further amended to read:

11. Baxter State Park Authority rangers; option. The
retirement benefit of a person who qualifies under section 17851,
subsection 12 or 12-A and who retires upon or after reaching 55
years of age under the option provided in section 17851,
subsection 12 or 50 years of age under the option provided in
section 17851, subsection 12-A is computed in accordance with
subsection 1 if:

A. The person was first employed as a law enforcement
officer at the Baxter State Park Authority on or after
November 1, 1995, elects the option provided in section
17851, subsection 12 or 12-A and pays to the retirement
system an increased employee payroll contribution in an
amount that equals the full actuarial cost of electing that
option; or

B. The person was first employed as a law enforcement
officer at the Baxter State Park Authority before November
1, 1995, elects the option provided in section 17851,
subsection 12 or 12-A and pays to the retirement system
single or periodic payment of a lump sum or by a combination
of single and periodic payments of the amount that equals
the full actuarial cost of electing that option for service
before that date. A person who requests calculation of the
full actuarial cost, regardless of whether the person elects
the option, must pay to the retirement system by single lump
sum payment the reasonable administrative costs of
determining the full actuarial costs. Payment of the full
actuarial cost related to service on or after November 1,
1995 is made as part of the employee payroll contribution.

For the purposes of this subsection, "full actuarial cost" means
that the person's payment or payments must fully offset any
unfunded liability that would or does result from retirement
under the option provided in section 17851, subsection 12 or 12-A
and must fully fund the cost of the person's retirement prior to

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