LD 1165
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act Regarding the Retirement Plan for Rangers in the Law Enforcement Bargain... Page 3 of 3
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LR 1619
Item 1

normal retirement age so that an additional employer contribution
is not required.

A person who makes the election provided in section 17851,
subsection 12 or 12-A at any time after the date on which the
person is first employed as a law enforcement officer at the
Baxter State Park Authority must include interest at a rate to be
set by the board not to exceed regular interest by 5 or more
percentage points, applied as of the date on which the person was
first employed in that capacity to the contributions the person
would have paid or had picked up by the employer had the person
elected that option at the date of first employment.

This subsection is effective November 1, 1995. Election Except
as otherwise provided in this subsection, election to retire
under this subsection is a one-time irrevocable election. A
With regard to an election of the option provided under section
17851, subsection 12, a person who was first employed as a law
enforcement officer at the Baxter State Park Authority on or
after November 1, 1995 must make the election no later than 90
days after the date of first employment. A With regard to an
election of the option provided under section 17851, subsection
12 a person who was first employed in that capacity before
November 1, 1995 must make the election no later than January 1,
1997. A person who was first employed as a law enforcement
officer at the Baxter State Park Authority on or after November
1, 1999 must make the election under this subsection no later
than 90 days after the date of first employment.__A person who
was first employed in that capacity before November 1, 1999 and
who wishes to change the election made to an election of the
option provided under section 17851, subsection 12-A must make
that election no later than January 1, 2001.

Sec. 3. 5 MRSA §17852, sub-§12, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 624, §12, is
amended to read:

12. Baxter State Park Authority rangers exercising options;
retirement before 55 or 50 years of age. For a person exercising
the option provided in section 17851, subsection 12 or 12-A, who
makes the payments required in subsection 11, and who retires
before reaching 55 years of age or 50 years of age, as
applicable, the retirement benefit is determined as follows.

A. For members with 10 years of creditable service on July
1, 1993, the retirement benefit is determined in accordance
with subsection 1, except that:

(1) The amount arrived at under subsection 1 is
reduced by applying to that amount the percentage that
a life annuity due at 55 years of age or 50 years of
age, as applicable, bears to the life annuity due at
the age of retirement; and

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