LD 1166
pg. 1
LD 1166 Title Page An Act to Establish Occupational Health and Safety Standards for Operators of V... Page 2 of 3
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LR 2789
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA §§253 to 256 are enacted to read:


Every employer shall provide for the safety and health of all
operators by providing workplace conditions that meet the
following requirements.

1.__Workplace conditions.__Every employer shall maintain the
following workplace conditions.

A.__Terminals must be positioned in relation to light
sources in such a way as to minimize direct light and glare
reflected from the video display screen into the operator's

(1)__If an operator finds glare and reflection from the
video display screen unacceptable, the employer shall
promptly attempt to reduce glare and reflection through
other means, by choosing an option, including, but not
limited to, the following:

(a)__Repositioning the terminal;

(b)__Shading, relocating or replacing light

(c)__Supplying the operator with any special
equipment designed to reduce the glare or
reflection problem; and

(d)__Any other methods to attempt to alleviate the

(2)__If an operator continues to find glare and
reflection from the video display screen unacceptable
after the employer's attempts under subparagraph (1),
the video display screen must be fitted with a contrast
enhancement filter or mesh screen unless the operator
specifically declines the filter or screen.

B.__Chairs must be swivel chairs unless the operator
specifically declines such a chair.

C.__Either the seat of the chair must be adjustable for
height or the terminal table must have a height-adjustable
platform.__The height of the seat must allow the operator to
place the operator's feet firmly on a support surface.

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