LD 1166
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act to Establish Occupational Health and Safety Standards for Operators of V... Page 3 of 3
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LR 2789
Item 1

2.__Work breaks.__Employers shall provide flexible work breaks for
all operators as provided in this subsection.__These work breaks
must be consistent with any applicable collective bargaining
agreement except that an operator may not be required to work at a
terminal continuously for more than 2 hours without a 15-minute
break as a paid rest period.__An employer may reassign an operator
to other appropriate work away from the terminal rather than
provide a 15-minute rest period.__This alternative work must be
considered part of the working day.__This subsection does not
entitle any employee to refuse to perform other suitable and
appropriate work assigned to that employee, consistent with any
applicable collective bargaining agreement.

3.__Leave for vision examinations.__Unless specifically
declined by an operator, the employer shall grant every operator,
other than a temporary or seasonal operator, paid leave from
employment during work hours for baseline and annual vision
examination without penalty.__The employer is not required to pay
for these vision examinations except as provided in section 592.

§254.__Employees' rights

The rights and duties of employers and employees with regard
to employees' reports of violations of this subchapter to the
employer or a public body are governed by the Whistleblowers'
Protection Act.


Any employer who violates this subchapter or any rule or order
adopted or issued by the bureau to carry out or implement this
subchapter commits a civil violation for which a forfeiture of
not more than $300 for each violation may be adjudged.__For the
purposes of this section, each day of a continuing violation
constitutes a separate violation.

§256.__Administration and enforcement

The bureau shall administer and enforce this subchapter and
shall adopt reasonable rules for the enforcement of this
subchapter.__The bureau, through its officers or agents, may
inspect any workplace where terminals are used.__Rules adopted
pursuant to this section are routine technical rules pursuant to
Title 5, chapter 275, subchapter II-A.

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