LD 1167
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act to Establish the Local Option Tax on Liquor, Meals and Lodging Page 3 of 4
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LR 2377
Item 1

of bonds issued for the construction of a major capital project
undertaken by the municipality or for municipal roads.__For the
purposes of this section, "major capital project" means the
construction, renovation or expansion of a building or facility to
be used for public purposes.

6.__Limitations on local option tax.__When the municipal debt
service obligation for a major capital project, as specifically
authorized by the voters in a referendum vote authorizing the
local option liquor, meals and lodging tax, has been satisfied or
when the voters in a referendum vote to deauthorize the local
option liquor, meals and lodging tax, the municipal officers
shall notify the State Tax Assessor and the local option tax is
repealed on the first day of the month following 90 days after
notification of the assessor.

7.__Referendum.__The question of whether to impose a local
option tax must be submitted to the legal voters of any
municipality that seeks to impose the local option tax.

The petition process and the voting at elections held in towns
and plantations must be held and conducted in accordance with
Title 30-A, sections 2528, 2529 and 2532, even if the
municipality has not accepted the provisions of Title 30-A,
section 2528.__The voting at elections held in municipalities
must be held and conducted in accordance with Title 21-A.__The
municipal clerk shall make a return of the results, certify the
results and send them to the Secretary of State.__The Secretary
of State shall forward the results to the State Tax Assessor and
the Treasurer of State.__The municipal clerk shall prepare the
required ballots, which must contain the following question:

"Do you approve the imposition of a tax on liquor, meals and
lodging provided within the municipal corporate limits of
(name of municipality) at the rate of____% with all proceeds
dedicated to the financing of a major capital project that
is reasonably estimated to cost $____ for construction,
renovation or expansion and is further described as follows:


The voters shall indicate by a cross or check mark placed against
the word "Yes" or "No" their opinion of the same.

8.__Effective date of tax.__The tax authorized by this section
takes effect 120 days after the municipal referendum vote if it
is accepted by a majority of the legal voters voting at the
election and the total number of votes cast for and against the
acceptance of the local option tax equals or exceeds 20% of the
total vote cast in the most recent gubernatorial election.

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