LD 1167
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act to Establish the Local Option Tax on Liquor, Meals and Lodging Page 4 of 4
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LR 2377
Item 1

9.__Charter municipalities.__A municipality with a charter
that allows the creation of municipal debt obligations without a
vote by the legal voters of the municipality is not subject to
subsections 6, 7 and 8 and may impose or deauthorize the local
option liquor, meals and lodging tax to be used in accordance
with subsection 5 pursuant to the municipal charter.__A tax
imposed pursuant to this subsection takes effect 120 days after
enactment by the municipal officials and, if repealed, is
repealed on the first day of the month following 90 days after
notification of the State Tax Assessor.

10.__Local Option Liquor, Meals and Lodging Tax Program.__The
Local Option Liquor, Meals and Lodging Tax Program is established
within the Bureau of Revenue Services to enable the State Tax
Assessor to segregate and administer the funds collected and
attributable to each municipality that adopts a local option
liquor, meals and lodging tax.


This bill allows municipalities to adopt a local option tax at
a rate not to exceed 2% on liquor, meals and lodging that are
provided within the municipal corporate limits. The voters of
the town must approve this local tax at a local referendum,
unless the municipality has a charter that allows the issuance of
municipal bonds without a referendum vote.

The tax applies to the sales of the same liquor, meals and
lodging services to which the state sales and use tax currently

All the provisions regarding assessment, collection and
enforcement of the state sales and use tax also apply to the
local option tax. The State shall assess and collect the local
option tax along with the state tax and return the revenue raised
to the municipality. The municipality must notify the State Tax
Assessor at least 180 days before the local option tax goes into
effect. This will give the State Tax Assessor time to set up the
procedures for administering the local option tax.

The State Tax Assessor shall determine the amount of revenue
raised by each municipality's local tax each month, subtract the
administrative costs of the local tax and certify the amount to
be returned to each municipality. The Treasurer of State shall
pay that certified amount to each participating municipality each

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