LD 1172
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 Resolve, Establishing a Task Force to Study the Need for an Agricultural Vitali... Page 3 of 3
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LR 1992
Item 1

B. Target existing and potential state resources to create
and support the development of agricultural vitality zones,
including: farmland conservation and protection measures; job
training programs, including beginning-farmer training
programs; tax credits and incentives; and grants and loans;

C. Identify, examine and propose strategies or measures
that will benefit and expand the State's small-scale
agricultural enterprises, including, but not limited to, new
marketing programs, the identification of new products and
services, possibilities for collaboration, the development
of spin-off or value-added businesses and the enhancement of
support services; and be it further

Sec. 6. Staff assistance. Resolved: That the task force may request
staffing assistance from the Department of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Resources and the State Planning Office; and be it further

Sec. 7. Expenses. Resolved: That those members of the task force who
are Legislators are entitled to receive the legislative per diem
and reimbursement of necessary expenses for their attendance at
authorized meetings of the task force. Other members of the task
force who are not otherwise compensated by their employers or
other entities whom they represent are entitled to receive
reimbursement of necessary expenses incurred for their attendance
at authorized meetings; and be it further

Sec. 8. Report. Resolved: That by January 15, 2000, the task force
shall submit a report of its findings to the Joint Standing
Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry along with
any implementing legislation. The Joint Standing Committee on
Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry may report out any
legislation during the Second Regular Session of the 119th
Legislature concerning findings and recommendations of the task


This resolve establishes the Task Force to Study the Need for
an Agricultural Vitality Zone Program.

The task force is required to identify areas of the State
where there is substantial existing small-scale agricultural
activity, definable networks of support services and regional
markets that have been or are being developed. The task force is
also required to target existing and potential state resources,

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