LD 1185
pg. 1
LD 1185 Title Page Resolve, to Establish the Renewable Energy Policy Commission Page 2 of 4
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LR 170
Item 1

Sec. 1. Commission created; members, appointment; chair. Resolved: That the
Renewable Energy Policy Commission, referred to in this Act as
the "commission", is established to formulate and articulate
state policy related to use and promotion of renewable energy in
the context of electric industry restructuring. The commission
consists of 13 members as follows:

A. The President of the Senate shall appoint one member who
must be a member of the Senate and who serves as chair of
the commission;

B. The Speaker of the House shall appoint one member who
must be a member of the House of Representatives;

C. The director of the State Planning Office or the
director's designee;

D. The Public Advocate or the Advocate's designee;

E. The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House
of Representatives shall jointly appoint 5 members as

(1) Three persons directly in the business of electric
generation using renewable resources, including wind
power, photovoltaic generation and hydrogen fuel cells;

(2) One person representing an electric transmission
and distribution utility; and

(3) One person who is a consumer of electricity; and

F. The Governor shall appoint 4 members as follows:

(1) Two persons directly in the business of electric
generation using renewable resources, including wind
power, photovoltaic generation and hydrogen fuel cells;

(2) One person representing a competitive provider of
electric generation service; and

(3) One person who is a consumer of electricity.

Appointment and designation of members must be completed no later
than September 1, 1999; and be it further

Sec. 2. Convening. Resolved: That when the appointment and
designation of all members of the commission is completed, the
chair of the commission shall call and convene the first meeting
that must be no later than September 15, 1999; and be it further

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