LD 1185
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 Resolve, to Establish the Renewable Energy Policy Commission Page 3 of 4
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LR 170
Item 1

Sec. 3. Duties. Resolved: That the commission shall formulate and
articulate a state policy related to use and promotion of
renewable energy in the context of restructuring the electric
industry. Policy developed by the commission must deal with the
period between March 1, 2000 and December 31, 2010, though the
commission may develop policies that extend beyond 2010. The
commission must identify steps that must be taken on a year-by-year
basis to accomplish a renewable energy policy that promotes energy
self-reliance and emphasizes low-impact electric power generation
and distribution. The commission must establish benchmarks for
achieving reasonably reduced reliance on energy resources that are
not renewable or sustainable. The commission, in developing a
state renewable energy policy, shall consider at least the

A. Increasing Maine's self-reliance on power generation;

B. Encouraging self-generation of electricity by consumers;

C. Policies that enhance use of energy conservation;

D. Encouraging ecological sustainability and identifying
priorities for generation sources to promote such

E. Creating incentives for use of renewable technologies
that will support small business development;

F. Encouraging development of energy cooperatives;

G. Removing or modifying regulatory disincentives for the
development of renewable energy technologies, including
environmental siting regulation and tax policies;

H. Promoting the viability of renewable technologies;

I. Promoting the exporting of energy produced from the
sustainable use of renewable Maine resources;

J. Modifying or enhancing the portfolio requirement for
competitive providers of retail electric service; and

K. Defining and classifying renewable resources and
technologies; and be it further

Sec. 4. Authority. Resolved: That in examining these matters, the
commission may hold up to 5 meetings, including public hearings
and informational sessions; and be it further

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