LD 1192
pg. 14
Page 13 of 18 An Act to Update Insurance Financial Standards Page 15 of 18
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LR 1012
Item 1

F. The Provided the insurer has not challenged the
determination under section 6457, the notification by the
superintendent to the insurer that:

(1) The risk-based capital plan or revised risk-based
capital plan submitted by the insurer is, in the
judgment of the superintendent, unsatisfactory; and

(2) Provided the insurer has not challenged the
determination under section 6457, that notification The
superintendent's finding unless vacated or stayed
constitutes a regulatory action level event with
respect to the insurer;

H. Provided the insurer has not challenged the
determination under section 6457, the notification by the
superintendent to the insurer that the insurer has failed to
adhere to its risk-based capital plan or revised risk-based
capital plan, but only if that failure has a substantial
adverse effect on the ability of the insurer to eliminate
the company action level event or regulatory action level
event in accordance with its risk-based capital plan or
revised risk-based capital plan and the superintendent has
so stated in the notification; or

I. If the insurer, under section 6457, challenges a
determination by the superintendent under paragraph H, the
notification by the superintendent to the insurer that the
superintendent has, after a hearing, rejected the challenge
unless the failure of the insurer to adhere to its risk-
based capital plan or revised risk-based capital plan has no
substantial adverse effect on the ability of the insurer to
eliminate the company action level event or regulatory
action level event with respect to the insurer.

Sec. 29. 24-A MRSA §6454, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 634, Pt.
A, §1, is amended to read:

4. Consultants. The superintendent may retain actuaries,
investment experts and other consultants as may be necessary in
the judgment of the superintendent to review the insurer's risk-
based capital plan or revised risk-based capital plan; examine or
analyze the assets, liabilities and operations of the insurer;
and formulate the corrective order with respect to the insurer.
For insurers offering managed care plans as defined in section
4301, the analysis of the insurer's operations may include an
analysis of its contractual relationships with providers and the
ability of the providers to fulfill their contractual
obligations. The fees, costs and expenses relating

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