LD 1192
pg. 15
Page 14 of 18 An Act to Update Insurance Financial Standards Page 16 of 18
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LR 1012
Item 1

to consultants must be borne by the affected insurer or such other
party as directed by the superintendent.

Sec. 30. 39-A MRSA §403, sub-§3, ķA, as repealed and replaced by PL
1995, c. 398, §2, is amended to read:

A. An individual self-insurer providing an irrevocable
standby letter of credit as security shall file with the
Superintendent of Insurance a letter of credit, on a form
approved by the superintendent, copies of any agreements or
other documents establishing the terms and conditions of the
employer's reimbursement obligations to the financial
institution issuing the letter of credit, together with
copies of any required security agreements, mortgages or
other agreements or documents granting security for the
employer's reimbursement obligations and any other
agreements that contain conditions, restrictions or
limitations of any kind upon the employer, the
superintendent or the Treasurer of State. The form of
letter of credit approved by the superintendent must
include, but is not limited to, all terms specifically
required by this subsection and all terms reasonably
required to secure the payment of compensation and benefits
to claimants as required under this Act. The
superintendent, upon receipt of the original irrevocable
standby letter of credit, shall promptly forward it to the
Treasurer of State.

The Superintendent of Insurance shall adopt rules to establish
the qualifications for financial institutions issuing irrevocable
standby letters of credit that must include maintenance of a
long-term unsecured debt rating of at least A by either Moody's
Investors Service, Inc. or Standard and Poor's Corporation, or
with commercial paper within the 3 highest short-term rating
categories established by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. or
Standard and Poor's Corporation. The irrevocable standby letter
of credit must be the individual obligation of the issuing
financial institution, may not be subject to any agreement,
condition, qualification or defense between the financial
institution and the employer and may not in any way be contingent
on reimbursement by the employer. If the rating of an issuing
financial institution that has issued an irrevocable standby
letter of credit pursuant to this section falls below the
required standard, the employer must obtain a new irrevocable
standby letter of credit from a qualified financial institution
or must provide other eligible security of equal value approved
by the superintendent. The irrevocable standby letter of credit
is automatically extended for one year from the date of

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