LD 1192
pg. 2
Page 1 of 18 An Act to Update Insurance Financial Standards Page 3 of 18
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LR 1012
Item 1

3. Audits required. All insurers, excepting insurers transacting
business in this State pursuant to the terms of chapter 51, shall
cause to be conducted an annual audit by an independent certified
public accountant and.__Each domestic insurer shall file an audited
financial report with the superintendent on or before June 1st for
the year ending December 31st preceding. An extension of the filing
deadline may be granted by the superintendent upon a showing by the
insurer or its accountant that there exists valid justification for
such an extension. A foreign or alien insurer shall file an
audited financial report upon the superintendent's request. A firm
of independent certified public accountants engaged to perform an
audit of an insurer shall substitute the appointed audit partner in
charge with another audit partner in charge at least once every 7
years. An accountant substituted for pursuant to this subsection
may not serve as a partner in charge of that audit until 2 years
from after the date of substitution.

Sec. 6. 24-A MRSA §221-A, sub-§4, ¶D, as amended by PL 1993, c. 313,
§6, is further amended to read:

D. The statement must include an independent certified
public accountant's letter, in conformance with standards
established by the National Association of Insurance
Commissioners, attesting to that certified public
accountant's qualifications, possession of license and
subscription to the code of professional ethics and
pronouncements issued by the American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants.

Sec. 7. 24-A MRSA §221-A, sub-§§6 and 7, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 330,
§1, are amended to read:

6. Application and effective date. For those insurers doing
business in this State which that are subject to this section,
the filing of the initial annual audited financial reports
required under this section shall be are due June 30, 1986,
covering the calendar year December 31, 1985. Similar recurring
reports shall be are due each June 30th 1st thereafter.

7. Exemptions. Upon written application of any insurer
subject to this section, the superintendent may grant an
exemption of the filing requirements under this section if the
superintendent finds upon review of the application that
compliance would constitute a financial hardship upon the

If an insurer's annual statement reflects business in this State
in an amount less than $100,000 in written premium for the

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